About UTS

Sejarah Universitas Teknologi Sulawesi (UTS) Makassar
History University of Technology Sulawesi

Universitas Teknologi Sulawesi (UTS Makassar) adalah sebuah universitas yang terletak di Makassar, Sulawesi, Indonesia. UTS Makassar mendapat izin penyelenggaraan dari Dikti Depdiknas dengan SK. No. 105/D/0/2007 pada tanggal 10 Juli 2007. UTS Makassar dikelola dan dibina oleh Yayasan Pendidikan Pembangunan Makassar. UTS Makassar merupakan perubahan bentuk dari Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesejahteraan Sosial (STIKS) Bongaya Makassar. UTS Makassar memiliki Program Pendidikan jenjang Strata Satu (S1) dengan 4 fakultas dengan 10 program studi, yaitu :

 University of Technology Sulawesi is managed and supervised by the Foundation for Development of Education Makassar (YPPM) based in Makassar is a deformation of the School of Social Welfare (STIKS) Bongaya in Makassar, South Sulawesi. STIKS Bongaya established since 1964, is managed by the Foundation for Social Workers who develop a study program is Social Welfare.

     These shape changes into effect after obtaining the operating license from the Ministry of National Education No. 105 / D / 0/2007 dated July 10, 2007, with four faculties and 10 study program, the Faculty of Social and Political Science (Social) with the Program Social Welfare Science, Political Science, Faculty of Economics (FEKON) with Management Studies, Accountancy, Faculty of Engineering (FATEK) Program in Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Chemistry and Faculty of Agriculture (FAPERTA) with Program Agricultural technology.

     UTS as changes in the form of STIKS Bongaya Makassar has graduated many as 857 graduate students, alumni spread across Indonesia, especially in the eastern part of Indonesia, working in the public and non-public sectors. UTS has done a lot of cooperation with other parties either by the government, private institutions, companies and other institutions, in the field of Development Research, Academic, Community Service, and other supporting facilities development. Therefore, for graduates of high school / vocational school or equivalent, or transfer advanced student, chose UTS today is the first step right into a brighter future facilities safe and simple environment to achieve a reputation and a degree of success.

Being a leading university that has a competitive advantage.

 1. To contribute to the development of science and technology for the welfare of the community through educational activities, research and community service by utilizing information and communication technology.
 2.  Produce quality graduates who have academic ability and professional skills that are reliable, robust entrepreneurial spirit, independence staunch attitude, and a sense of great responsibility in applying and developing science into the field of study.
  3.  Developing science and technology related to the management of resources

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